lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Best Ads?

Choose your favorite and explain why?

3 comentarios:

Sergio Sotomayor dijo...

The one with the first office in the Moon by FedEx because they show the real meaning of the comapany with an ad it ain't easy to forget the meaning is that FedEx can go everywhere when you need it and i like it a lot because it's centered and very focused on the meaning.

Erika dijo...

The one i liked the most was the coca cola comercial because even i dont like the taste of coca cola they always show you how it brings all people together and try to show you how things get better by drinking it, ive love this comercial since it was in the teathers and also the music they chose is cool. :)

nabila dijo...

the one i liked the most is the coke ad because they use a very popular resource which is the video game. in this video game the white guy is very bad and kills everyone but Coke used it to developed their idea that if you give love it all comes back to you, and you really get it.
is a GREAT commercial!!