miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

Answer topic

1. In you own words, answer this question and develop your ideas.
Should countries have programs to promote bilingualism in English, or should countries be more focused on programs that develop ther original native languages? Why?

2 comentarios:

Sergio Sotomayor dijo...

I think countries must have these programs so that children all over the world can talk an universal language and understand between each other, but they don’t must forget their culture and their origins that’s why countries that are involved in these programs should also promote their native languages because that native language is the root of the country, an example could be in Africa where children learn English but their original tongue must be prevailed, so in conclusion they should find a way to make a balance between the native tongue they must learn and the English idiom that will help them in their future and help the country.

Erika dijo...

I think since English has become a universal language, it is a good idea for all countries to have English programs so people would be able to communicate all around the world or even have more job opportunities. I also think that learning a native language would just help to mantain the culture of the countries but it´s still important to have a language that everybody can speak everywhere they go.