jueves, 3 de julio de 2008

This a very nice final project.
You have to write your personal comentary after watching each video. The lenght of your comment will depend on your creativity and how many conections you can make giving some examples with your personal vision.
The threee videos, are part of m
1. Gery's Game:

2. The Piano.


4. Delivery.

3 comentarios:

Sergio Sotomayor dijo...

Grei's Game:
I think is a very funny video and very emotional, it's like watching a lonely grandfather that has no one to play and has to play alone and have fun by himself, for mi it's a little depressing but also very profound, because we all get to that age and what are we going to do?, we don't know that's why we must accept what is coming and face it with no fear.

The Piano:
With a gorgeous melody and a very touching message, his mini clip is about how this song always makes the man remember his wife, his friend, his childhood, etc. The animator Aidam Gibbons has also made very excelent animations in the past like the Android of Johnnie Walker and the Audi R8 Ad that's is why this short film is so good and very touching.

L'animateur is a very rare animation, it is all about a man who controls Adan & Eve, the first two humans on earth, I thought it was weird in the good way, a really good message that is everything happens for a reason right? and we should overcome what had already happened. le Film c'est Magnifique!! ;D

I loved the message, it was about how we can make the difference by desiring what we want, we just need to look around and be more careful on what we do and what we say.

nabila dijo...

The videos are amazing!! I totally loved the one called The Piano. It made me feel very nostalgic and sad, but the amazing part is that it also gave me hope. At the beginning, it starts with the cool and depresse song and later appeared his wife ghost. It really seemed that they truly loved each other. Afterwards, he remembers when his friend died in war. Finally he remembers when he was a little child when he sees his grand -son. It's really sad to see all the emptiness in his heart and astonishing the hope he sees with his grand-son. It's a great video!
Other video that seemed sad to me was the video about the old man playing chess. He is so lonely that he plays alone. Of course he makes up this other personality of his to have a true companion. He later shows interior happiness and peacefullness. It also makes you value more small things. You realize that when we all get old nothing will matter the most to us than little things that now we think they're meaningless, like our teeth.
l'Animateur made me realized how small we are in this planet. Funny the way certain things end. Probably it wasn't meant to happen that we would evolve so much and become a great civilization, but we did; probably it wasn't suppose that humans would walk on the moon, but we have. It's up to us to determine where we're heading but we must not forget where we come from.
I believe it's inexplanable how humans beings ended populating this world. There are two basic theories about it: the religion theory and the evolution one. Honestly, I don't care about which one is true, but we must appreciate that we are alive and how beautiful life is.
The video that really made me think so much about our world was the last one.I can't imagine what would i do if I'd get that delivery. Although i would have probably done the same thing that the man did, i would have taken off all the pollution, and would want the corruption to dissapear and make all the hunger go away. The sad part is that WE CAN DO THIS, but we DO NOTHING! We could change everything that is occurring to our planet right now, like stop the polar melting and overwarming, but the work of few is never enough. We are blessed for having this gorgeous and magnificient world, but we don't value it. We better start saving what's left of our present and future before we realize it's too late.

Erika dijo...

Gery´s Game:

I loved this video, I think it’s really funny but also it is kind of sad to see how the old man has to play by himself and the way he has fun doing both players made me think about how those lonely old people have to come up with something to feel less forgotten. I think we all can learn something about this video, it’s not just for old people but we shouldn’t give up in life because of others, so we better face our problems and learn how to deal with them in a good way.

The piano:

I think the music in this video is really good. This video is about a lonely old man as well, but he remembers some pieces of his life like the time when his friend died while fighting it a war, or his wife seating beside him, also he remembers some present he got when he was a little kid, and then starts to play the same song like he knows it since he was a kid so probably that’s why all those thoughts come back when he plays it.


This video is one of the most creative I have ever seen, it explains a theory of the creation of Adam and Eve and its so funny how the animator turns his stick into a snake and then it makes eve fall with her open mouth in front of the apple they weren’t supposed to eat, so then they turned in real humans and at the end the animator drops them on the ground as a punish and he leaves them so they would have the life they chose.


This last video was mainly about the damage that we are doing to the Earth, how technology can be great but at the end there is a price we all have to pay for leaving the machines pollute the whole world. It has a great message, how the man takes off the factories that cause the pollution and moves the flowers into the box, but its also sad to see that most people start to worry when they see the damages and some times there is nothing less to do instead of worry since the beginning and help preventing things.